Monday, February 16, 2009

Success, purpose and the empowered feminine principle

One of the reasons I use the word purpose is that we as women have tremendous trouble with the word service. Let’s face it what women in her right mind wants to willingly chain herself to the post of servitude after spending years breaking free of the shackles of the subaltern stereotype? The word purpose however feels and sounds more directly about self and where we are going rather then how we assist others. Self first others later is still very true. As Dr Wayne Dyer points out in his book the power of intentions ‘you cant be poor enough to help the poor, you cant be sick enough to heal the ill’. But whether we use the word purpose or service the point is we all serve something higher then ourselves. Our purpose on this physical plane is without question intrinsically linked to our service to source. Some of us know and identify and name this source, it may be God, Buddha, Goddess, Creator or Universe, and some of us do not. Either way we know we are part of something bigger then ourselves. Let me give you an example, if your purpose in this life is to teach then your service is that of knowledge. It is your service to source to impart what you know in order to assist others in their purpose. If your purpose is that of a healer your service is to offer the tools of self healing to others so they can perform their service to source also. If your purpose is to clean and clear then your service is to provide spaces of uncluttered energy. Every one of us has a purpose, no matter how small we think it is; in the scheme of creation without you we would see the big black hole.

In her book ‘Know your power – a message to America’s daughters’ Nancy Pelosi tells us the story of her mother Anunciata D’Alesandro. We get the impression very early on in the book that Nancy feels her mother could have been more if it was not due to the limitations placed on her by Nancy’s father, not allowing her to take up paid employment, as in that time women required permission from their husbands in order to join the rank and file of the work force. I don’t think her mother saw the same lack of opportunity that her daughter did. In the chapter titled ‘An open House’ Nancy describes the amount of service her mother gave willingly each and everyday to those in need. How during the depression her mother would add more to their own evening meals to feed those who were without food and how her mother developed a giving back system which is noted in the book as the ‘favor file’ When someone can to the home of the D’Alesandro’s for assistance they were placed in the ‘favor file’ so when they got on their feet they would be the first in line to assist someone else. Nancy says of her mother, ‘she was not paid, and held no elected or appointed position but she considered it part of her duty to contribute what ever she could’. Anunciata D’Alesandro helped more people in her so called limited role then people who have to work within the limits of local governments, restricted by protocol and hierarchy, Anunciata D’Alesandro was not bound or limited by such things, making her more effective out side the system then in it.

In a performance orientated society we tend to get caught up in the socio-political rhetoric of success. This type of rhetoric sets the bars of limitation and says jump over it and you will be a success. The wylde woman sees no such bar and knows nothing of limitation, for every deed is a success, every step forward is a success and every open heart is the reward of service to something bigger then herself.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Thursday, February 5, 2009

New Event

I have just added Sedona Arizona to the tour list for march - may. Keep an eye out for the summer line up.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Wylde Women Workshop Extravaganza

The Wylde Women are on tour, ok well just one Wylde woman, ME! I will be doing a series of three workshops in both California and New Mexico starting in March and winding up in May.

The First Workshop is on Passion - I am not talking so much about the romantic sense of the word here. I am defining it as the spark that drives you. That burning desire you have that makes you get out of bed each and every morning. And if for some reason you dont seem to know what happened to your spark or where it went this workshop is for you!

The Second Workshop is on Purpose - Now dont confuse passion and purpose for they are two very different things. This has more to do with what your life is all about and looking at where you path is leading you. Even if right now in this moment your purpose is not clear I guarentee you have been on the right path your whole life, i will prove it to you.

The Third Workshop is on Pleasure - something all Wylde Women should have an abundance of. Unfortunately this is not always the case. In a world that continues to tell us we as women need to be fixed it can be hard to find pleasure in our daily lives. Let me show you how to create pleasure for you in every aspect of your existance. For if your not allowing yourself pleasure, your not allow your authentic self to shine.

I hope you can come and join us, I can't wait to see you.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

LV women's expo

Yesterday i had the pleasure of going to the Las Vegas Women's 2009 Expo. Now i say pleasure not because i was impressed, but because i was allowed to see just how badly women are being catered to. Everything in that expo which was meant to be for women was about pointing out what was wrong with being a woman. It was without question depressing. 99.9% of the booths promoted aspects of the feminine self that needed to be fixed, corrected or just gotten rid of. 90% of the women there where handed weight watchers bags to carry around with them. Now i did come across 1 booth in all the madness which was actually there to promote women in business, but only the one. I was so put off by the energy in the expo space that i had to remove myself and wait for the people i went with outside in the hall. While i was sitting there on the floor i heard countless numbers of women complain about the lack of booths they themselves expected to be there. Booths that would have promoted love of self and body. And believe it or not there was nothing and i mean nothing set up for children. Roughly 85% of the women there had small children with them. Not one face painting booth in site.

It did not surprise me later when i finally found out the event was put together by a man. I am not by any means saying a success event for women can not be put on by a man. To be a true Wylde Woman you must understand that it is essential to your very being to work harmoniously with all masculine energy. But this event just smacked of patriarchal propaganda.

So how can i use the word pleasure in the opening sentence. Very easily. It was a pleasure to be there, it was an affirmation of the need for a new energy. The displeasure that this event created also created a space for something new to be bought into the physical realm. You have to love contrast. So continues the Wylde Women revolution.