Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Forgive me Blog, for i have sinned!

Forgive me Blog for i have sinned. Yes it is true i have coveted other blogs. I admit it, i am not a monogamous blogger. I am not ashamed of my acts, for i have much to say and many people are in need of my words. I just cant put everything on the one blog. It would be over whelming. So i ask you to search deep into your html coding and find a way to forgive me. I know i have not paid you enough attention lately for i have been busy with my other blogs, but i promise i will commit myself to giving you all equal amounts of time and love. I shall divide my passion more evenly and i will not allow any of my blogs to feel unwanted or used. So blog you have heard my confession, i get down now on bended knee and ask that you will post this, and in doing so show the world that you understand why i can not be faithful to just one blog.

May the public viewing of my sins be a sign that all is forgiven and that we will continue to spread the word for wylde women everywhere.