Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Markings of A Wylde Woman.

So what is a Wylde Woman and how do you spot one? Wylde women are for the most part non conformist. They beat they’re own drum and they most certainly dance to their own beat. They are grounded and strong in their own personal belief systems. They have great relationships with all around them, they don’t judge, they don’t cast assertions. They walk through the world with they’re heads held high in a deep, intuitive knowing, that they are right where they are meant to be and they are being true to who they want to be. Wylde Women do more then just ‘think out side the box’ the jump all over it and do cartwheels across the top of it! They draw their own lines in the sand and set their own bench marks. They are confident in who they are and to be honest are totally unstoppable. They are without question in the flow or life and enjoying every minute of it. The Wylde Women has embraced all contrast in her life and uses it as a powerful tool in her own personal tool belt. Change, transformation and growth are key components to the Wylde Woman’s day to day life. She welcomes them with open arms and embraces the exhilaration that these shifts in energy bring to her experience. She may look like she is doing a constant balancing act but in truth she is in perfect synergy with her world and all that is in it. Wylde women are mothers, daughters, teachers, sisters, healers, friends, co-workers, wives and most importantly leaders. They embody a strong feminine energy, embracing being a woman, loving the body they have been given and enjoying the experience that you can only get by being a Wylde Woman.

These are women who know self is important, they understand it is essential to be true to self and honour self at all times. They have the power to serve and assist others because of their strong sense of who they truly are. They look at fear and tell it ‘come on’ even when they stand weak at the knees. As Sonia Choquette says, ‘success is taking the next step’. This is the mantra of the Wylde Woman.

So perhaps you have seen a Wylde Woman, maybe you have gotten glances of her as you walk past your bathroom mirror in the mornings. Either way you know she is around. Next time you see her, ask her to stay awhile. You never know where a Wylde Woman will lead you.


  1. hurray ,i could not have said it better myself.
    i think it is a brilliant site.
    your words are so beautiful and true.
    stay connected to source for i know there is a lot more to come.
    renee...shop owner and artist

  2. Motivational speaker? You couldnt PAY anyone to listen to you Leeza. Who would listen to a weak excuse for a woman who has abandoned her 3 amazing children in Australia? You are a joke Leeza, as is this website and the fact that you think you have any kind of credit or qualifications to be speaking about anything holistic. You are an embarrasment to women all over the world, a disgraceful example of a mother and an even poorer excuse of a human being. You are nothing but scum.
